Disclaimer: The information on this website is not legal advice.
How to Protect Yourself When Seeking an Abortion by the CUT includes critical information on how to keep your abortion private in this digital age.
Repro Legal Defense Fund
The Repro Legal Defense Fund covers bail and funds strong defenses for people who are investigated, arrested, or prosecuted for self-managed abortion.
Because no one should be behind bars for ending their own pregnancy, or for helping someone else do so.
Additionally, if a person seeks medical attention after or during a self-managed abortion, they does not have to say they used medicines. They can say they are having a miscarriage. The symptoms and treatment of a complication of miscarriage is exactly the same as treatment for abortion.
Misoprostol cannot be detected in the blood or any body fluids within a few hours after use. Even if a hospital claims that they can check to see if a woman took medicines to cause the miscarriage, it is not true.
Your Rights if Police Question You (Repro Legal Helpline)
Basic rights during interactions, if you are placed under arrest, and during questioning.
Call 844-868-2812 or visit their site for a secure form.
“We know that it may not always be safe to stand up for or exercise your rights even though you know them. We also know that police may not recognize your rights even if you try to exercise them.
However, we do think it is important to have this information available, so here you can find information about your rights if police question, arrest, or interrogate you.”-Repro Legal Helpline