The contents of this webpage are for informational purposes only. This information is not, and is not intended to be a substitute for, medical or legal advice. Resources listed here do not imply endorsement of any content.
“Today, people can safely and effectively manage their abortion on their own terms, with or without an abortion provider or clinic. There are many reasons one might prefer to end their own pregnancy; it allows for control — of the experience, the location and the timing.
Everyone should be able to choose the option that works best for them, whether that is care with a provider in-person or through telemedicine, or by self-managing their abortion. Some people already obtain and use abortion pills on their own, only seeking medical help in the rare circumstance that they experience complications. It is important to note that some people in the United States who have chosen this option have been investigated or prosecuted by law enforcement for doing so, including some people who were reported by people they confided in, including family, friends, neighbors, and hospital staff.
We affirm the autonomy of all people to self-determine their reproductive lives, including whether and how to keep or end a pregnancy without fear of discrimination, harassment, violence, or criminalization, and what methods are best for them.” -excerpt from National Network of Abortion Funds
Listing these resources does not imply endorsement of any content. IAAF does not monitor or endorse the accuracy of any information contained at these links. The information contained at these links represents the views of the organizations linked, not IAAF.
Self-Managed Abortion; Safe and Supported (SASS) provides information and support around self-managed abortion, to ensure that self-managed abortions are as medically and legally safe as possible (Available in English & Spanish).
The M+A Hotline can be reached by phone or text and will connect a person to physicians who can provide expert advice on self-managing miscarriage or abortion.
The Reprocare Healthline provides medical information and peer-based emotional support for planning or having an abortion with pills at home. (Available in English and Spanish by phone call or text).
Euki App is the first app of its kind to offer sexual and reproductive health information and tools to track what’s going on with your body in one place AND on a totally private and secure platform. The app is especially for people in the United States, but much of the information is relevant to people all over the world.
The SAFE Study includes data on the effectiveness and safety of self-managed medication abortion with accompaniment support (Available in English and Spanish).
Women Help Women has a comprehensive resources to find abortion pills, research, emergency hotlines, and contraceptives. Their “What to do in case of an emergency” page has research-backed information and resources.
“If you have any sign of complication you must seek medical care. Any doctor or health facility can treat those. The doctor cannot see the difference between abortion with pills and natural miscarriage and the treatment is the same. About 20% of all pregnancies end up in miscarriage, so it is very common event.
If a woman seeks medical attention, she does not have to say she used medicines. She can say she is having a miscarriage. The symptoms and treatment of a complication of miscarriage is exactly the same as treatment for abortion.
Misoprostol cannot be detected in the blood or any body fluids within a few hours after use. Even if a hospital claims that they can check to see if a woman took medicines to cause the miscarriage, it is not true.”
Legal Help
Please visit our Legal Help page for additional information and resources.
If a person is targeted by law enforcement for ending their own pregnancy, the Repro Legal Defense Fund provides financial support for posting bail and securing defense counsel.
If you or someone you know is being investigated, detained, arrested, or concerned they might be questioned by law enforcement or other government agents for having an abortion or a pregnancy loss, contact the Repro Legal Helpline though: If/When/How.